Makin Cheddar Monthly: Confessions of a Click Crusader

Welcome to my little corner of the web! In this week’s post I’m going to start implementing a monthly review of the goals and tasks I want to accomplish for my online business. I want to use this monthly review as a way to have you as my readers become an accountability partner with me by sharing with you the progress and experiences to building my affiliate marketing business. This means I will share with you the good or bad outcomes as I try to consistently complete each month’s goals and tasks. So, without further a due let’s start the first issue of The Click Crusader’s Chronicles.


The Click Crusader - Affiliate Marketing goals and tasks

Intro: The Click Crusader’s Chronicles

As you know from many of my prior posts as well as my About Me page, I have a small manufacturing business that I own, and this is my primary source of income. As I am now reaching the time in my live where I am thinking of retirement, I did what every pre-retiree should do run the numbers.

I took the numbers from our retirement accounts along with any money that I would receive from my business exit strategy minus any debts we would have then added any monthly expenditures against our life expectancies to see what type of life we would be able to live in those retirement years. I seemed to find that no matter what articles or opinions I looked at they all screamed “Your going to run out of money”.

This became the “WHY” for my affiliate marketing journey. You see I don’t mind working; I enjoy staying active, I love the concepts of business and using my mind to solve problems within that environment. Most of all I enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from being successful in these types of areas.

I also enjoy a lazy day by the pool, putzing in the yard and the ability to travel where and when I want to. I enjoy times with friends and family and these retirement years are supposed to be the time in life where we get to enjoy these rewards.

That’s when I found the Affiliate Marketing business model. By learning how to implement a successful affiliate marketing online business I would be able to solve all the above issues while still enjoying the things that brought me enjoyment.

This is where the idea of the “Makin Cheddar Monthly: The Click Crusade’s Chronicles ” comes into play. You see since I have to go to that full time business every day, which you may find yourself in the same situation with a full-time job. We often feel as if we never make as much progress with our online business as we need to in order to be in a position to take full advantage of this or any new endeavor. We find that based on how good or bad our day at work went is how we often approach the time we have to give to our new online business. Our jobs may become stressful and demanding, enjoyable and fulfilling what a mess!

As we slowly and I mean slowly begin to make progress with our online business, we learn how to start to build an audience (OK small but still an audience). We feel like we have so little to share with our audience because of our messy lives and the slowness of moving through the steps in building that online business that we will never reach our goals. I was recently told “Your Mess is Your Message”. I had to think about that for a while, but it’s true. If I was to tell you that by starting an online affiliate marketing business my live became all rainbows and lollypops you wouldn’t have anything to relate to when I tried to share with you my goals and tasks to building that online business. Especially if you’re just starting out or your online business seems stuck.

So this is what I want to accomplish in this monthly review. I want to tell you the goals I want to accomplish each month and steps I’ll be taking to implement the tasks and strategies to grow my online affiliate marketing business. I want to do this in hopes that I can help share some things that may just help you with either starting an online business or getting unstuck with your online business, even if they were good strategies or bad strategies.

Who knows but if I strive to be consistent with sharing with you these goals, strategies and tasks you and I can become my accountability partners in the process.


Click Crusader Goals

This Month’s Clicker Caper (Tasks & Issues):

In each months issue I’ll have the above section where I’ll share with you what task I was able to complete, what goals were accomplished and if I ran across any issues when trying to complete them.

I’ll finish this section with any affiliate marketing goals and tasks that I am going to implement during the next month.

So let’s jump in and I’ll declare my goal and tasks for this coming month:

  1. Goal: Start a traffic strategy using Facebook lead ads
  2. Task: Create a Free lead magnet for the ad.
  3. Task: Write an email sequence of 12 emails for the Facebook ad.
  4. Task: Complete the Facebook ad
  5. Task: Select the ad demographics
  6. Task: Start running the ad


Click Crusader Wins

The Click Crusader Conquers! (Wins & What Works!)

In this section I’ll list out any wins for the month that I achieved while working through my goals and tasks, like generating new leads, increased traffic. I’ll also share something specific that is currently working well for me like a new traffic source, particularly effective content and strategies that are working.

So I will jump in with my first win#

  1. Stepped out of my comfort zone and started this monthly accountability journey with my readers.

Click Onward!

In this section I’ll give a brief summary of the key take aways from that month. As always, I’ll ask you to leave comments, to ask questions in the comments, share your own affiliate marketing experiences. Hopefully we will all get some great ideas and encouragement as we either start or continue on this affiliate marketing journey.

Go ahead and start with me by leaving your opinion as to whether you like this idea, you can see value from a monthly accountability post, or I am just a little on the crazy side.

If you liked the post, please share it with your friends and followers. Thank You for Reading!

Don’t forget to sign up for my Free Newsletter!

10 thoughts on “Makin Cheddar Monthly: Confessions of a Click Crusader”

  1. Hi Ken, I love this idea. It is a great way of compartmentalising your goals, tasks, methods, achievements, mistakes,lessons learned and wins. At the same time, it will instill discipline and make it easier for you to stick with what you’re doing. I can see this helping you to create momentum in your business activities. My only concern is the frequency and I hope we still get to hear how you’re going on a weekly basis. My best wishes to you.

    1. Andy, Thanks for visiting my site and reading my post! The idea was to have one post a month dedicated to moving the needle in my business and making the commitment to my readers to report back to them my progress. This way I will be more diligent in completing my tasks and accomplishing my goals so I don’t show up each post with nothing to report. This in NO way stops my normal weekly posts just a once a month focused post.

  2. Love the way you pulled all of this together in a great post!
    Definitely a great plan to follow and bring forward to get to where you want to be. Thanks for bringing this to us!
    All the best!

    1. Marc, Thanks for visiting my site and reading my post. I’m kinda excited about this idea. Hopefully it will make a difference not just in my progress, but with someone reading these posts.

  3. Hi Ken,

    I absolutely love this idea! Your willingness to share both the successes and challenges of your affiliate marketing journey are inspiring. It’s refreshing to see someone be so real about the ups and downs of building an online business.

    I appreciate your “Your Mess is Your Message” insight. It’s a powerful reminder that we all face hurdles, and sharing them can be just as valuable as sharing our wins.

    Looking forward to seeing how your Facebook lead ads strategy pans out. Keep up the great work, and know that you’ve got a supportive community here cheering you on!


    1. Meredith Thank you for your kind words! I’m actually kind of pumped about taking this approach, I feel that I will be the one that benefits the most out of all this.

  4. Hi Ken,
    Great post! I love how you’ve welcomed your followers to become part of keeping you accountable! It’s going to make them more invested. The set up and layout you’re going to follow also makes it fun and interesting 🙂 I look forward to seeing your progress! Cheers.

  5. this is a great formula for setting your goals, reviewing and sharing how you’re doing – I think I’m going to “steal” this formula.

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